Shermins Seasoned Sea Salt No. 1

Shermin's Seasoned Sea salt

Yeah.. you read it correct: I really like alliterations! 🙂
A few years ago I heared a cook in a radio show babbling and highly praising his seasoned salt. He appeared really to be in love with his own voice and I was quickly annoyed. But.. the thought of making my own seasoned salt sat in the back of my mind, wiggling and squirming and waiting to be poured into a recipe. Naturally my own, so that I can now babble proudly and highly praising about my own recipe. 😉

Shermin's Seasoned Sea salt

Seasoned Salt – homemade gift from the kitchen

So I searched for the perfect herbs, grinded, chopped, mixed and blended them. I stirred in my magic caudlron and finally had the perfect mixture. I chose dryed herbs to be independent from the growth times of fresh herbage. You can blend this seasoned sea salt together at any time of the year. And it’s a really nice present for a host or for friends and family. Never mind if it is time to search for easter eggs or to wrap up christmas presents – it’s  always a good gift for people who love to cook.

My seasoned salt gives a good basic seasoning to nearly every dish: Salads, meat, vegetables, soups, dressings or as finish salt. It´s spicy but not overburdenend, with a hint of hotness. I have a lot of homemade spice blends and seasoned salts, but this is my favourite one. I like it to spice up gravy with it or to sprinkle it over an open faced egg or avocado sandwich.

grounded herbs for seasoned salt

How to grind herbs

You can use a mortar and pestle. I’ve done this at the beginning but believe me: it’s more like a sweaty workout than cooking. (Hey – we are talking about herbs for 2 kg of sea salt!) Now I’m using a time saving electric coffee grinder* and the workload is reduced to the minimum. The advantage here is, on the contrary to other grinders, that you can remove the cup of the grinder and give it a thourough wash. This is very useful when you are grinding oily things like pepper corns.

Recipe for Shermin’s Seasoned Sea Salt No. 1

(only dry herbs are used)

2 kilogram fine sea salt
50 gram rosemary
40 gram pink peppercorns
30 gram black peppercorns
30 gram dryed organic lemon zest*
30 gram green peppercorns
25 gram powdered cayenne pepper
15 gram wild garlic (alternatively: 10 g dried powdered garlic)
10 gram dryed organic orange zest


  • Put the sea salt in a big bowl.
  • Now pulverise the herbs – little by little – in the coffee grinder.
  • Give the grounded herbs into the bowl and miy thouroughly with the sea salt.
  • Aaand finished! Fill the salt into big jars* with tight fitting lids – so that no humidity can creep maliciously into the glasses and ruin the seasoned salt.

*Werbung. Affiliate-Link zu Amazon.

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